Our Range of Flowers and Bouquets

Our store takes pride in its vast range of flowers, offering a wealth of choices for every customer. From spring daffodils to winter amaryllises, our shelves are adorned with flowers for every taste and season. Utilize our catalog to find the perfect bouquet or plant that will add bright colors to your life or become a meaningful gift for someone special.

Catalog of Available Flowers


4 $

Discover harmony and peace in every flower of our bouquet.


3 $

Floral masterpieces await to become part of your personal story.


5 $

Immerse yourself in the fragrant embrace of nature by choosing our floral fantasy.


3 $

A bouquet as a bridge to a world of magic, where each flower is a promise of happiness.


2 $

Every bouquet reflects your individuality. Choose what speaks for you.


2 $

Each bouquet is a melody of flowers, playing on the strings of the soul.


3 $

In every flower lies the promise of a new beginning. Gift hope and inspiration.


3 $

Gift joy with every bouquet, selected with love and care by our florists.


4 $

Discover new horizons of feelings with our exclusive floral compositions.

Bouquets for Every Taste - Catalog

Breeze Bouquet

179 $

The intertwining of dreams and reality in one magical ensemble.

Pearl Bouquet

159 $

A warm splash of sunlight, bringing coziness and well-being.

Morning Bouquet

119 $

The harmony of the moment, uniting hearts and souls into one whole.

Miracle Bouquet

249 $

A seductive waltz of passions, mesmerizing with its beauty.

Chrysanthemum Bouquet

169 $

A peaceful oasis of serenity, ideal for deep contemplation.

Dawn Bouquet

159 $

An explosion of emotions and brightness, stirring the imagination and feelings.

Flowers for Home


279 $

An elegant accent of perfection, highlighting exquisite taste.


119 $

Sparks of joy in every petal, creating an aura of merriment and light.

Ficus Benjamina

299 $

A celebration of life, reflected in bright colors and forms.


101 rose

799 $

Dive into the world of fragrance and beauty with our roses. The perfect way to show your care and attachment.

51 rose

359 $

As tender as a first date, roses in our bouquets will tell about your feelings better than any words.

Clover Bouquet

179 $

Classic in every petal. A bouquet of roses is a symbol of eternal love and refinement. Gift a piece of romance.

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